Add the security layer to your REST API and serve a distributed web application



In the past editions of the PhpDay we have assisted to several talks about REST APIs and we learned how to implement a proper REST API service. In this talk I want to present how, at Capturator S.r.l., we have added a security layer to our private REST API (based on Symfony 2) adding authentication token and the support for CORS.

I will start with some theoretical and historical facts on Same Origin Policy and I will present the different solutions to deal with it, dwelling on CORS and its W3C recommendation document. CORS is the solution for a web app that needs to communicate with a REST API able to manage all the CRUD verbs in a distributed architecture (different domain or subdomain).
In the second part I will illustrate the actual implementation of the RESTfull API able to manage distributed and authenticated clients. The backend relies on a couple of Symfony 2 useful bundles (FosRestBundle and NelmioCorsBundle) and a customization of the security layer.

Keywords: HTTP, Same Origin Policy, CORS, REST API, PHP, Symfony2




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