Miro Svrtan

Miro Svrtan



A 15 year veteran of PHP development, from being a one mand band web developer, via focusing on PHP development in a team environment to being a technical analyst now. While focusing more on technical requirements of projects then how apps behave or look, I found opportunity to build/maintain/develop multiple large scale PHP projects. I founded ZgPHP, PHP user group based in Zagreb and WebCamp, a language agnostic web development conference held in Zagreb and organized by multiple user groups.


Web application: tech from startup to enterprise

Mid 2009, Njuskalo.hr was a 2 year old project gaining a lot of traction in local market. Njuskalo is online classifieds platform, similar to https://www.subito.it/. That traction meant that some changes needed to be done so platform was changed and I started working as a PHP developer maintaining this new shiny code. At that time, […]

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